Friday, February 3, 2012

Videochat for adults. How I started to work in this field!

When I got out of college and someone proposed to me to do online marketing for a website from the videochat for adults field I was a bit reluctant. First thought that occurred through my head was what would my friends think, what would my family think about this. I gave it some thought and after some time of looking for a job I realised that this was a rare occasion. I have searched for some time, to work in the field I graduated and it was futile. Went to lots of interviews, gave all my best but I got the same answer. I am not experienced enough.
Then I talked to my parents about the offer and I had the surprise that my father welcomed the idea and my mother was the one that saw this with eyes not to bright. But they agreed after a long talk. I was expecting a reverse situation. I could’ve seen my father shouting and screaming and my mother comforting him and telling him to listen and to think outside of the box. This time they switched places. I was happy to see my father so understanding and him explaining to my mother that it is OK. That it is not like I am doing videochat for adults and that I would just promote a website. That it is no difference in promoting this type of website from an e-shop.
The talk with my parents wasn’t conclusive. Late in the night when my mother was sleeping my father came into my room and talked to me so kind that I don’t remember he ever did. He told me that at a certain time I should start walking on my own path and as much as he wish to keep me near him he is aware that he can’t. He explained me that the path I chose must not be chosen by those around me. I must not do it for those around me and that I must do it for me. During the night I couldn’t sleep. All I was thinking at was the kind words from my father. That was the moment I decided to accept the job offer. And since then I work in this field. I hope you all shall have someone who shall guide you on the path you must take as I did.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The ANIME wave

What is Hentai?

A short analysis

Hentai is a Japanese style of sexually explicit cartoons, usually drawn in an exaggerated style and often featuring taboo themes, it is unlike ecchi which is provocative but not explicit. 
Hentai is often controversial due to the fact that the characters are often based on minors or children. This is more common in fan based hentai that involve characters from well known anime shows or manga series. 

There are several types of hentai. The main genres include:
  • Lolicon - which involves prepubescent girls
  • Bakunya - characters have unusually large breasts
  • Futanari - trandgender 

  • Incest - relations between close family members
  • Omorashi - involves urination
  • Shotacon - which involves young boys

  • Tentacle - creatures such as octopuses or aliens engaging in sex acts (usually unwilling) with women
  • Yaoi - homosexual male
  • Yuri - homosexual female

There is no doubt that Japan is a great nation and its citizens are one of the most hard-working and intelligent people in the world. Japanese are quite creative and have managed to create and control one of the most profitable industries aside from the pornographic one: the anime industry! This anime boom, though not Japanese original (because cartoons and comics have European origins), has managed to gather millions of fans and adepts and it's annually generating millions of dollars and a well payed place to work for original, creative people.
Though anime now comprises plenty of styles and forms, one crucially important branch has distinguished itself enough to generate worldwide craze and "addiction": the HENTAI wave.
Hentai, as explained in the beginning of this article, shows sexually explicit animated stories. It's actually a pornographic animated movie but much better because you can create whatever story-line and decor and even use children and diverse sexually mechanisms. Hentai movies have more diversity and, personally speaking, are more arousing than the real bad-acted porn movies. I like the girls high pitched voices and the guys tough voices, it makes me all horny. I do draw the line at children engaged in sexually explicit relationships, animated or not, it's just wrong! Another big plus for the hentai movies is the very good plot line and the way it draws out the most original and true feelings, depending on the plot. It could be either a rape or a mushy first time for a couple, the animations are very good! Aside from this, anime is also a good thing for the lesbian and gay communities; their Yaoi and Yuri videos are mostly romantic and can draw even the most homophobic person to like it.
So, what can we expect for the future then? I'd say, as a personal prediction, some kind of virtual sex chat site where people to log in and choose an animated model (man or woman) and do whatever they wanted in the virtual world.

What do you think? Do you see the future of the animated industry as a prosperous one? What about the hentai wave?